- Gordon Ira
- Jennifer Thompson
- Lynda Smith
- Craig Shier
- Bronwyn Horvath
- Jim Jordan
- Charise Tanner
- Young McQueen
- Jan Vallely
- Julius Dean
Guest: Bill McSherry
Minutes for November Board meeting:
Motion to approve the minutes made by Jim Jordan and seconded by Young McQueen. Minutes approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
There is currently 12 360.50 dollars in the treasury with a possible bank mistake of 219.60 which will be drawn out in the future and $1,000 due to Mike Moats for his seminar.
Currently Jennifer Thompson is acting as the back-up treasurer for the club. Young made a motion that a position of Assistant Treasurer be created with full banking access to be assigned by the treasurer and approved by the board. Gordon seconded the motion. The motion passed. Jim Jordan, the Treasurer assigned Jennifer Thompson as the official Assistant Treasurer. A motion was made by Young McQueen and seconded by Jim Jordan to approve the appointment. The motion was approved.
Annual Banquet Report:
The board members praised the banquet committee members for a job well done. The new venue was good and the food was excellent. The lighting on the prints was good. The only area of criticism was the computer and microphone difficulties. The board will suggest to next year’s banquet committee that one person runs the projector throughout the night and that the banquet committee discuss the audio with the venue.
Other recommendations included name tags, a survey and limited or assigned speaking times to move the program along faster.
Jim Jordan, the treasurer, made a motion that we remove the cost of the awards from the cost of the banquet and have the award costs reflected in general club expenses. Jennifer seconded the motion and after the discussion, the motion was approved.
Library Update:
Some members suggested selling or donating all books and moving towards educational links on the website.
President Gordon Ira suggested that someone with “passion” for the library, not necessarily the librarian, take the responsibility to catalog our books and put them on the website. This way the books can still be loaned out to members.
Macro Seminar:
The Mike Moats seminar is going well. The venue has been selected and fees paid. If this venue works well, we will consider using it for other seminars. There was discussion about a refund policy but this will be considered under New Business.
Young McQueen, the webmaster discussed taking down the “blue”site, our old club website. He gave jump drives to President Gordon Ira and Treasurer Jim Jordan. Young McQueen also has a copy. This information is to be passed down to future Presidents and Treasurers. He has also moved the website from seven data bases to one. The new website has one CF7 on the old website.
Young McQueen made a motion for funds of $600 for the website for domain name payments, software renewal, hosting and possible consultants fees for the calendar year 2017. The motion was seconded by Jennifer Thompson and approved by the board.
Young McQueen discussed problems with the digital contest uploads. People are still having trouble uploading their pictures correctly. Charise Tanner said that she would be willing to call people who are having difficulties and walk them through the process.
President Gordon Ira discussed the difficulty of finding the digital themes easily on the site. Young McQueen will look into other ways to post theme information.
The board agreed that putting the digital photos on the websites in contest galleries is good advertisement for the club.
New Business
Interest Group Report:
Six interest groups have been created and interested participants identified. These include: Photoshop (12), Lightroom (14), Creativity (14), Macro (8), and Animals (1). The Photoshop group has been sharing ideas and the other groups are yet to begin. The board discussed ways to handle these interest groups using the website instead of face-to-face meetings. President Gordon Ira said the groups and potential members will be posted in Clicks.
New Print Display Methodology:
Stephen Smith and Robert Clarke have a new idea for displaying prints at the JCC meetings. Stephen Smith was not in attendance so the discussion has been put off until the next meeting.
New Member Applications on Website:
There was a discussion on ways to follow-up on potential members who fill out the application for membership online. It was decided that the membership chair would continue to forward the applications to the President who will follow-up as needed. Gordon Ira and Jennifer Thompson will discuss how to handle the follow-ups.
Young McQueen made a motion that the position of Website Editor be created for the calendar year 2017. . This motion was seconded by Lynda Smith. The motion passed.
Young McQueen made a motion that the board approve Bill McSherry as the Website Editor for 2017 and Jim Jordan seconded it. The motion passed.
There was a discussion about replacing Clicks with a weekly informational newsletter and the dissolution of Clicks. The board decided to keep Clicks going for the moment and to institute the new newsletter at the same time. At some point in the future Clicks will be dissolved. This issue needs further discussion.
The Glennie Nature Salon has been cancelled for 2017 and so there is no need to discuss the $50 entry.
Young recommended that we consider putting a payment tool on the website to over club dues, outings and other items. He made the motion that the webmaster create an account with the ability to collect money online. Jan Vallely seconded the motion. The motion passed. The Webmaster and Treasurer will work together to implement the system.
Young McQueen made the motion to raise the dues next year to $40 for a single membership and $60 for a family membership to cover the cost of the online payment system Jan Vallely seconded the motion and the board passed the motion.
Young McQueen made a motion to increase the JCC Monochrome entries from 2 to 3 per category with the total remaining at 5 and the motion was seconded by Gordon Ira. The motion passed.
The Board discussed a club refund policy for outings and other club activities. Jan Vallely and Jim Jordon will present a motion to the board at the next meeting.
President Gordon Ira closed the meeting at 12:32 PM.