Officers' Duties
Job Descriptions of the JCC Administrative Team
As prescribed by Bylaws:
- preside over all meetings of the general club and the Executive Board
- appoint committee chairpersons
- be a voting member of all committees except the Nominating Committee
- act as club spokesman
- award discretionary points from 1 to 6 for any special project deemed necessary to carry out an activity not otherwise spelled out for points in the Bylaws
Discussion and expansion of the above as follows, always keeping in mind the overall best interest of the club:
- preside over all meetings of the general club and the Executive Board. This includes the following:
- prepare agendas for each meeting and be aware of it's content
- maintain order during meetings and keep on schedule
- remain current with the membership relative to concerns or suggestions for needed action to be added to agendas
- recognize new members and encourage their activity and involvement
- encourage board members and all older members to welcome new members and visitors
- consult with the properties manager for meeting set-up, arrive early and give help.
- be sure that the church is secured, cleaned and locked after every meeting
- appoint committee chairpersons
- appoint committees as needed to run club smoothly.
- be a voting member or all committees except the Nominating Committee
- nothing to add
- act as club spokesman.
- first contact for inquiries about the club by non-members generated from the website or other sources.
- deal with the church on any and all matters, for example rent, storage space, protection of equipment, additional use of facilities and so on
- support the church and assist them whenever possible with photographic duties
- take responsibility for the actions and character of the club.
- try to generate new members, keep old members and promote the club
- award discretionary points
- part of this duty also falls into the VP's hands. See by-laws
- leadership duties:
- maintain contact with all officers and chairs to be sure activities are properly taking place. For example, consult with VP to be sure programs are lined up; Outings Chair to be sure outings are established; etc
- first line of contact for all members with questions of any sort
- arbitrate and hopefully defuse disputes between members or groups of members
- step in for any elected officer or appointed chair should that person falter or be unavailable for any reason
- provide oversight, back-up and support to secretary on points tally.
- encourage club activities and member involvement, such as outings, interest groups, and workshops.
- expand reach of club to be involved with outside organizations, local, state, and national. This includes competition and organizational relationships.
- Maintain written communication with the members to promote better relationships and understanding, by writing in Clicks and on the website as necessary.
Description according to By-Laws:
“Duties of the Vice President shall be to assume the duties of the president in his/her absence, shall plan the programs for meetings and obtain speakers or presenters.”
Other VP Responsibilities include:
- Assist President as needed.
- Check with club program presenters/speakers in advance of their presentation to determine what equipment and other needs they may have.
- Coordinate room and equipment needs for meetings with Property Chairman and keepers of equipment including: room/chair set-up, speakers, microphones, electrical and extension cord needs, projector, screen, and table for projector.
- Train for possibility of becoming President after a year or two as Vice President.
- Along with the president, assign the discretional points and provide point’s tally to Secretary/President before end of year.
- Assist members by answering questions, greeting new members and visitors, etc.
- Set up on the website in the sections Programs and Calendar the programs for the year.
- Coordinate program dates with President and Competition Chairs.
Duties of Jacksonville Camera Club Secretary
Take and keep minutes of regular club meetings and have them available on the club's website
Take and keep minutes of the Executive Board meetings and have them available to the board members on the website
Maintain a spreadsheet of points for members’ service, participation and competition awards.
Order and distribute ribbons and awards to competition chairs to be awarded by them to members.
Update club by-laws and constitution as required by the board and ensure they are updated on the website.
Maintain copies of club by-laws and constitution and make them available to members.
George Hoskins – Jan 2017
In this document SS refers to the point system Excel SpreadSheet.
To state the obvious up front, the person working on the Awards must have a current copy of the Bylaws, and will refer to the description of the Honors Program in much detail. The definitions of the Shutterbug and Vernon Nalley awards are important. Equally important is the list of points needed to achieve all the levels, from Level One, up through the advanced fellowship Awards.
All documents I will refer to in these notes are located on the Secretary’s flashdrive, or will be emailed to the new secretary, if they are not already there.
As I started the process, I had as reference paper copies of the lists of Awards achieved in 2014 and 2015. This proved very helpful. I will provide these to the new secretary, along with the list I created, of the Awards achieved in 2016.
As I proceeded with the process, I referred to the full Points SS, in digital form, where I could go back through the entire Club membership list, alphabetically, and refer to Column C, “Level at end of 2015”.
If I were doing this again, I would take the time to print out a paper copy of the list of Club member names and Column C, as above, just to make it easier to refer to. To figure out all the awards, I relied on Dennis Adams. He maintained the SS all year and then finalized the 2016 totals. The final step as far as 2016 totals, and the one that pushes the process into early January most years, is to get the results of the Annual Competition, once it is judged. Then Dennis created several lists from the SS and sent them to me.
Vernon Nalley Award – I asked Dennis for a list of all members who joined after 1/1/16, and their points. One person who joined this year had a clear lead in total points, so this one is easy. My input – the person who takes care of the SS in 2017 and future years, will need to add new members throughout the year, and have an easy way to identify them at the end of the year. Paula P. told me she found the best way was to use the highlight function, and simply highlight each new member with a certain color, once she added them to the SS. That’s what I would have done, if I had kept the SS.
Shutterbug and Top Ten – Dennis created a list of members and their Competition points earned in 2016; he ordered it from highest point total, to lowest. One person was clearly on top and gets the Shutterbug. The ten with highest points get the Top Ten certificates; no problem with this one. The definition of the qualifying competitions is in the Bylaws.
Levels Awards – Dennis created a list – Lifetime Points as of 12/31, ranked from highest point total (D. Joseph, over 4900 points) down to members with one point. This was the basis for knowing who achieved a new level in 2016. I worked down the list from top to bottom, noting where each person’s lifetime total placed them, in the levels. What this list didn’t tell me, was whether a certain person had attained that level in a previous year. I worked down the list, comparing each person’s points/level, with the lists from 2015 and 2014, to see if they already had that level. I knew some immediately, from last year’s awards. For quite a few members, it was not clear if they already had a certain level, and I then looked them up in the full SS (column C), which is alphabetical; this took the most time.
Another option would be to have a list of all members names, and Column C, “Level at end of 2015”, ordered from highest level (Diamond Fellowship), down to Level 1, rather than alphabetically. I did not ask Dennis to do this, and I do not know if it is feasible to pull this out of the SS.
I hope this discussion of Awards determination will be helpful to future Secretaries.
George Hoskins
As contained in the Bylaws Article IV:
Duties of the Treasurer shall be to have charge of all finances, collect dues, maintain proper accounting records, prepare a monthly report of Club finances and keep the Membership Coordinator, President, Vice President, Secretary, Directors, Competition Chairs and Clicks Editor informed of paid-up members.
Treasurer Duties December 2019
- To have charge and fiducial responsibility of all Club finances.
- Maintain the Club’s bank account, check book/check card’s and all bank records.
- Administer the Payment Card processing system, Stripe, including Member payments and refunds.
- Collect monies from new Members, Members renewing annual dues, future events such as the annual banquet, workshops, and outings with special rates/conditions. Monies will/may be received from the 50/50 Raffle manager, Competition Chairs, and Members who mail checks to the Treasurer.
- Pay all Club expenses ensuring a receipt/purchase order is obtained from the member/vendor. Expenses arise annually from membership affiliations like PSA and F3C, and website maintenance paid by the Webmaster. Purchase of equipment, supplies, and a rare donation, are expensed.
- Maintain digital records and substantiating documents of all income, expense, and pre-collection transactions to the degree that will pass an annual audit appointed by the Board.
- Prepare reports for all Club requirements such as: Quarterly financial reports, Board of Directors meetings, Monthly bank statement proving, Stripe transactions etc. and special request reports for Board members and committees.
- Maintain a close working relationship with Club officers, directors, managers, and members that promotes trust and honesty.
- Maintain the Club Membership List. Including addition of new members, which members are paid-up, changes to all contact information, and distribution to all Club officers, directors, and members.
* Provide club with 5 print competitions per year: 4 quarterly
competitions & 1 annual competition as defined in club rules.
* Obtain a qualified judge for each competition
* Notify club membership when entries will be accepted and when
competition results will be shown
* Collect print entries and entry fee from paid-up members at a
pre-determined time that was announced to the membership at large.
* Verify that entry meets guidelines for entry as per rules.
* Indicate on back of entry with a label providing which competition
entered and name of judge.
* Catalogue entries as to which category (People, Nature, or
General) entered and provide this list to the club secretary
* Correspond with judge concerning all facets of competition
* Send entries to judge in a timely manor to ensure that they are
returned prior to scheduled showing.
* Label back of winning prints with award information
* Provide club secretary with list of winners
* Show competition prints to membership on scheduled night
* Provide competition winners with appropriate labeled ribbons
* See that
Director Duties Feb 2017
The Director is a voting Board Member. He/she brings his/her past club experience to the meetings and offers opinions and solutions regarding matters presented by the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Slide and Print Chairmen. The Director’s valuable experience gives insight as to what may and may not have worked in the past and why. The Director often takes on assignments from the President to further the betterment of the club and reports his/her findings back to the board.
As defined in the Bylaws the director in addition to representing the
members is obliged to serve as mentors for new members, assist any
member on issues related to photography or the club, and greet
meeting visitors.
Jacksonville Camera Club
Summary of Duties
Position: Webmaster
Maintain/Insure Fees paid on the club’s various domain names:
Maintain/Insure Fees paid for the club’s hosting, framework, technical help and paid plugins.
Keep the JCC Board informed of the activities of the website and request approvals as needed.
Maintain website Security by insuring a functioning security plug in is installed and active and a system of backups is in place
Insure the site is up.
Insure all plugins, themes and WordPress itself are undated in a responsible manner
Assist new members and unsubscribed members in registering as users.
Assist All JCC team members in using the website to help them meet the needs of their position.
Act as an advisor to users to make the most of the website.
Insure the overall site design is consistent and police same
Strive to have the website be as fast as practical
Jacksonville Camera Club
Outings Chair Job Description
(as performed/written by Karen Stephenson in 2007)
and modified by Jan Vallely in 2016
Outings Chair will plan, coordinate logistics, invite Outings leaders to lead outings for the club on a regular basis, to be determined by his/her own schedule. Chair is not required to attend every outing, but should find a leader and assist that leader in coordinating and communicating details.
Outings Chair will communicate Outings information to members via any or all of the following avenues:
Calendar on club website
Email to club members
Handouts when necessary
Announcements during meetings
Chair will need to learn how to upload information to the events calendar section of the website; keep an up-to-date Email list of members; send links to outing sites/maps or provide printed copies as needed. Coordinate providing cell phone numbers of trip attendees for long distance or multi day trips for ease of communicating on location.
Assign points for each day of each outing attended by each person by way of sign-in or other tracking sheet. Provide this “points summary” to the Secretary after each outing. Also, make a recommendation to the President for extra points that Outings Chair believes should be awarded to leaders or others who provided extra time or resources during outings (i.e., hosting location, bringing food, contributing monetary resources, planning tours/serving as guide or leader, etc.)
If possible, try to provide variety of opportunities to attract new members as well as long-time members, variety of locations, subject matter, alternating weekend days or weekdays to work with different members’ schedules.
#1 At least one outing should be planned monthly, adding “mini” outings
if a local event would be of interest to photographers
Comments about previous outings were:
Not enough notice about upcoming outings, especially out of town events
Members who could not attend the out of town/state outings wanted an additional local outing (now termed “mini’s”) so they felt more included in the club events
#5 add At the beginning of each outing, the leader or other assigned
member should ask if new photographers have questions about camera
settings, etc., and spend a few minutes with those people so they have
a better start on the shoot
#3 Information about the next outing should be sent to members as soon as the current outing has been completed. In that info should be information
about the site, plans to date, instructional websites that would pertain to outing, equipment to bring, etc. An additional email closer to the date
should include more defined information about times, exact events, etc.
Request feedback from attendees critiquing outing and feedback from members who don’t participate. This information would be used to plan future outings and attempt to increase member attendance.
Outing chair should collect images from outing for “Clicks”, outing contests, website for outings, and show images prior to meetings when
projector available. Presentation to club with outing names, members
names on images, etc., might increase interest in outings.
Clicks Editor Responsibilities:
- Collect all information, such as: photos, news articles, schedules for programs, outings and calendar. Set up links from Clicks to website to see programs, outings and calendar or anything else, such as blogs.
- Organize into a computer program for publishing on the website.
- Contact Webmaster when ready to publish.
Jacksonville Camera Club Membership Chair Duties
The overall duties of the membership chair are to welcome new members to our club and maintain current membership and email lists and sign in sheets. Listed below are guidelines to facilitate that.
Update and maintain current membership list, sign in sheets, email list and name badges.
Add new or renewing members to the lists and send out email with updated information to existing members notifying them of recent additions. Attach the updated membership list in both an Excel and pdf or open office format.
Send a welcome letter to new members after they join.
Keep supply of members and visitors sign in sheets, new membership forms, name tags and lanyards.
At the meetings place at sign in sheets (members and visitors), name tags and lanyards. Welcome new guests and have sign visitors sheet. Tell them about the club and that we will introduce them and have they say how they found out about the club, what they like to photograph, etc. Explain the membership fees; single $40/family $50/student $20.
For new members if they renew in May or later they will not have to renew until August of the following year. This is only allowed that one time.
Membership runs from August 1 to July 31.
Instruct new members to register on the web site with user name and password. The web master will then approve them and then they will be able to access the member's only portions of it. Let them know to enter digital contests they have to do that through the web. Also explain what all can be found on the web and that our club documents are located there.
Attend board meetings.
The web master will send you a email if someone signs up on the web. Send a letter to the person explaining that we do not take money over the web and that they would need to attend a meeting or send a check to join. Print out a copy of their form and keep so they do not have to fill out the form again.
Send out emails starting in July about renewing membership and announce at the meetings. You and the treasurer usually keep each other informed and compare lists. If people have not renewed by October, then you will go through and delete them off the membership, sign in and email lists. Send out an updated copy to the club.
Help to guide new members in the directions they need to go or introduce them to the people that can.
Only take cash or check for membership. The money is given to the treasurer.
Make sure the secretary gets the sign in sheet at the meetings.
Maintain membership forms.
This position serves as liaison between SOTW administrator(s) and JCC. The following activities are usual for the position.
Recruit members to photograph events for the school(s) and the church.
Communicate with members all event opportunities and collect images. Church prefers JPEG images on thumb drives or CD/DVDs.
Participate as leader of JCC members during events or recruit a replacement if unable to attend.
Request from SOTW administrator any special dates for using our SOTW meeting space for JCC training etc that occurs outside normal meeting times (first and third Wednesdays).
Work with JCC president or VP to reschedule JCC regular meetings when church activities need our space during regular meeting dates (this has happened during Lent a few times).
Monochrome Print Chair Responsibilities:
- Secure services of someone to judge the entries.
- Inform club members about competition date and the rules for competition.
- Collect competition entries and applicable entry fees.
- Collect digital copies of the prints. Organize and setup digital copies for website gallery.
- Deliver entries to the judge for scoring.
- Present competition results and winners’ ribbons with or without the assistance of the judge at the designated JCC meeting.
- Return entries to their owners after completion of results presentation.
Property Manager Responsibilities:
- Contact VP to find out what equipment is needed for the monthly meetings.
- Set up needed equipment for each meeting or event. Make sure there are new batteries for mics…very important. Copy settings on the church’s sound system before adjusting sound levels.
- Setup includes: tables for computer and projector, projector screen, floor mic and stand, hand held mic, clip on mic, hooking up into the church’s sound system, table and/or chairs for presenters
- Tear down equipment and place back in JCC room. Make sure the church’s sound system is set back to original settings.
- Rearrange the room back to it’s original setting.
- Secure all exterior doors.
- Turn off all lights.
- If you are the last to leave the premises, close and lock the front gate.
Keep JCC members about abreast of the various digital and print competitions conducted by FCCC.
Collect JCC prints for submission to FCCC for print competitions.
Return prints to JCC members after the end of each FCCC competition.
Distribute FCCC digital and print competition ribbons to JCC winners.
Keep JCC members aware important communication from the FCCC
The George W. Glennie Memorial Nature Salon is a prestigious international nature photography competition hosted by the Merrimack Valley Camera Club, North Andover, Massachusetts.
A club competition of digital images known for its diversity of subjects that range from animals to botany to landscapes. Typically, the competition includes 100 participating clubs from across the United States and 8 additional countries. Total entries approach 1000 photographs. Awards are given to the Top 5 Clubs and to individuals in eight different categories.
The JCC Representative is responsible for promoting participation in the contest by club members, educating members on the rules of the competition, and collecting members’ images for consideration as entries to represent JCC. Upon collection of images, overseeing the process of selecting the 10 images that will represent JCC in the competition and submitting the images to Merrimack Valley Camera Club in the Spring of each year.
Schedule Meetings
Select monthly leaders
Assist with finding models
Updating clicks/website with news and photos
Assist with studio setup and design
Assist with selecting monthly themes, research lighting techniques, etc
Provide attendance to Secretary for points
Learn and assist with posing ideas and setups
Prepare slideshows for certain special events
50/50 Drawing
The tickets used for the drawing can be purchased at most of the office supply stores such as Staples.
Arrive at approximately ½ hour prior to meeting
Have available $21.00 for making change
2 $5.00 dollar bills
10 $1.00 Dollars
4 Quarters
The tickets sale for $1.00 each or 5 for $ 3.00
It easier if you have the tickets tore off in sets of 5 ahead of time.
You tear tickets and give one to the purchaser and one goes in the basket for the drawing.
½ of the money goes to the winner of the drawing and the other half to the treasurer.
Update and publish information on what JCC meetings and events that are being done by the club. By Gail Means
Jan Gemeinhardt is my backup and has administrator rights in case I am not available to update the Facebook page. Even though Jan originally set up the page I have taken over the main duties of posting to the clubs page on the events that JCC is having.
In the future I would like to see more of our members posting more pictures from our outings and events. One good thing about the way the page is set up is that the pictures are uploaded but until I look at and approve them they are not posted on the page. This is just so that nothing inappropriate is posted on the page.
The Librarian has been an important part of the club since it began in 1935. With the changes in education opportunities now, the traditional library of books has lost some of its appeal. Efforts are in process to re-establish our involvement with the fine books we have through a website based lending program. As this is finalized, a new job description for the librarian will be made.