Executive Board Meeting Minutes Feb 13, 2025

Jacksonville Camera Club

Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Shepherd of the Woods, 7860 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32256


Date: Feb 13, 2025

Members present:  Jim Angelo, president;  Anita Fanic, vice president; Karen Sirnick, treasurer; Peter Fitzpatrick, secretary; Tina Jordan, director; Sonia Grutter, director; Dave Wholey, director

Visitors: Ted Floore

Call to Order: Jim Angelo 645 pm

Secretary’s Report: Peter Fitzpatrick

Copies of minutes from last meeting were not available. They will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Karen Sirnick

Current assets as of Jan 31, 2025 $11,204.52. These included ~$3000 in checking, a CD worth ~$7500 and ~$500 in savings.  Revenue and expenses for 2024 were discussed.  A Budget and Projections for 2025 were presented. A deficit of $913 is predicted for 2025. Strategies to increase Revenue and decrease Expenses were discussed which included but not limited to: contacting nonrenewing members to encourage renewal; increase membership; reduce expenses for judges of competitions

Dave Wholey moved to approve the report; seconded by Tina Jordan

Old Business:

Review/Revise Bylaws: An ad hoc committee was formed last year to make recommendations to the Board this year. Members: Young McQueen (chair), Jim Angelo. Bronwyn Horvath, Craig Shier

New Business:

Committees and chairs for 2025 recognized: Membership, Sonia Grutter; Programs, Anita Fanic; Digital competitions, Bill McSherry; Print competition, Brian Leonard; Judges, Charise Tanner; Outings, Rebecca Janssen; Webmaster, Craig Shier; Data Czar, Young McQueen; 50/50, Jim Jordan; People’s Choice, Tina Jordan; Instagram/Facebook public, Jenn Samsel; Facebook private, Anita Fanic; The Weekly editor, Jim Angelo;

Open Positions: Property Manager; Christmas Party; Annual Banquet

Club Sustainability. Two main areas were discussed: Membership and Revenue.

Membership: How to attract members and retain them. A club ‘identity’ needs to be identified and articulated. Increase outreach activities such as: fostering relationships with Audubon Society, River Keepers, JU, FSCJ, UNF, and other community groups; increase club visibility with photo exhibits in libraries, Art in the Airport, other public venues; organize and announce on Instagam/Facebook pages “outside workshops” open to anyone such as Street Photography, Flower Photography that could appeal to and attract new members; consider offering monthly meetings over Zoom for those who do not or cannot drive to meeting; create a club business card to hand out to potential new members.

A subcommittee to explore recruitment ideas formed: members Jim Angelo, Dave Wholey, Sonia Grutter

Revenue. Some ideas to increase revenue were discussed including: obtain sponsors for the banquet, increase the price for the banquet, increase dues. The increasing cost of judges for competitions was discussed. It was suggested that one Print competition yearly could be done with scores only and judges obtained from club members.

Other issues. Anita Fanic suggested adding Nature category to competitions; categories could be Color, Nature, and Mono; to be discussed further. Dave Wholey inquired about changing the general meeting time to 630pm; also reducing or eliminating meetings in summer, July and August; these will be further considered. Anita Fanic volunteered to chair the Annual Awards Banquet again, unless someone else steps up. Anita asked that membership be asked to get a volunteer to chair the Holiday party.


Meeting adjourned 900pm.


Submitted by Peter Fitzpatrick, secretary.





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