Photo opportunities of horsemanship and close ups with Cracker cattle and horses while at this annual celebration. Cracker horse races, games and herding demonstrations take place throughout the day will offer unlimited live action shots.
A large vendor and food area will also present different opportunities for street type images of both the vendors and visitors.
From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Farmer’s Market features a variety of boutiques, local products like datil sauces and honey, and wood workers crafting and selling outstanding wooden furniture and décor. Feeling a little hungry after all that whip crackin’, cow pokin’ and howdy pardners? Well, there are plenty of victuals available including barbecue (of course) and special recipes whipped up at a variety of food trucks. Needless to say, there’s plenty of sno-cones, kettle korn, ice cream and cotton candy available.
Date October 19th, 2024
Time Activities run from 8 AM through 6 PM
Admission Fees
$5.00 per car fo parking, no admission fee.
St Johns County Fairgrounds 5840 SR 207, Elkton FL
Contact - Dave Wholey
904 322 4004
Parking Info - Parking available in the St Johns Fairgrounds parking lots
Entrance Info - Entrance will be through the parking lot entrance.
We will meet at the main entrance at 10:00 and proceed from there as you choose individually.
Carpooling if desired set by individual members
Food- Food trucks will be attending, so a large variety of offerings is expected
Schedule of Events
Cracker horse races, games and herding demonstrations take place throughout the day. From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Farmer’s Market features a variety of boutiques, local products like datil sauces and honey, and wood workers crafting and selling outstanding wooden furniture and décor. These will be open throughout the event.
MId-range Zoom lenses 24 - 70mm - 24- 120 mm or similar for non contest events.
Telephoto zoom 70-200 mm or 100-400mm for all horsemanship events.
Some events will be under cover so expect low lighting levels.
Other Tips
Expect a good deal of walking at this event. Soft muddy areas are not unexpected. Appropriate sun protection both Sun Screen, and hats and bug spray are in order at this event.
I 95 South to exit 311 toward FL 207 S
merge onto FL 207 S 6.3 mi to the Fairgrounds