The Weekly is a publication of the Jacksonville Camera Club. It provides a heads up of the coming events and announcements of a timely nature. It contains both Club events and other items of interest to members. If you have feedback or something to announce please see directions in the sidebar. Thanks for reading.
Coming Events
Next Meeting: February 2, 2023
Our next meeting at SOTW Southside takes place on February 2, 2023
Images for The Weekly
As was announced at the Jan 5 meeting I am looking for new images for the header of the Weekly. The image(s) should represent the purpose of Jacksonville Camera Club. As you can tell by looking at the above image, that concept was to show photographers taking photos. Depending on the response of the membership to this request, the new image(s) may be a collage, another relatively wide image or even a series of images changed during the year. I have set up a Google page for anyone to upload an image. The link to the page is here. Hope to see a lot of great photos!!
To view all upcoming events, including future Meetings, Outings, Contests, etc., please visit the Schedules page on our website.
Club Contests
People's Choice:
December 2022 People’s Choice - Catching People Unaware
1st Place "A Man Sent to do a Woman’s Job" by Bill Barfield
2nd Place "Making Lemons from Lemonade" by Robert Clark
3rd Place "Finding Treasures" by Karen Sirnick
Images can be viewed here.
Next People's Choice contest February 2nd and the topic will be "General".
In March it will be "Winter in Florida". The meeting dates for February and March will be on the 2nd of each month.
2023 Print Contest #1 Prints to be Collected: Club meetings on Jan 19 & Feb 2
2023 Digital Picture Contest #1: Online Collection Dates Feb 16 - Mar 16
2023 Print Contest Rules:
JCC Print Chair Tim Davis sent out a notice about the 2023 Updates for JCC's Print Competition recently. If you are considering entering the next print competition, please read the new requirements for your entries. Please click on this link to review the new rules. If you have any questions, Tim can be reached at:
Educational Opportunities
all this information with links can be found on the Education page
David Long is a well-known photographer out of New England that spends his springs in St Augustine shooting and doing workshops. He currently has one spot available for his 3/20/2023 workshop and has asked if we’d get that info out to our members. As Education Chair, that seems like it ought to come from you. Would you mind putting out a blast letting folks know? His request and the link to register is here.
Not much going on for tutorials at this time. Also, Blake Rudis of f64 Academy has a new tutorial about using the color curves inside the curves adjustment. It is quite comprehensive and worth looking at. I personally don't think this is for Photoshop beginning users, but if you have used curves to adjust your images, I think you can handle it. The tutorial is quite comprehensive and explains the color theory behind adjusting color quite well.
Find the Club...
...on Facebook!
Our Facebook Group is very active with many members posting their photos. Many members have posted their photos from last week's outing. Be sure to check it out for activities of interest, winning photos, and more!
...on the Blog!
Don't forget to check back with our Blog Page often. There is good information posted frequently that you won't want to miss!