General Payments to the Jacksoville Camera Club

Scroll Down to Complete the Form Below

Please use this form to make payments to the Jacksoville Camera Club via secure credit card transaction.  These payments may be made for a variety of purposes, such as partial/prorated membership dues, outing related expenses, etc. Typically, this form is used only at the direction of the Jacksonville Camera Club Treasurer or other club chair.

General Payment to Jacksonville Camera Club

General Payment to Jacksonville Camera Club

Please use this form to complete a credit card payment to the Jacksonville Camera Club. Upon completion, the club treasurer will receive a notification of payment, and will contact you with any questions. Thank you!

First Name
First Name
Please select an option from the list below. If "Other", please indicate the purpose in the field below the dropdown list.
Please enter the total dollar amount to be paid in this field.
Credit Card

Questions or Problems?

Please give us a shout.

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