We will shoot the sunrise from Blackrock beach on Big Talbot island using the large live oak driftwood and its rocky shoreline as props for our images.
When finished we will proceed to Kingsley Plantation national park for additional shooting in this part of the Timucuan preserve area.
Date September 18, 2021
Time 6:15 AM
Admission Fees
Black Rock Beach is a Florida state park and entrance fees apply. $5.00 paid in envelopes in the drop box.
Kingsley Plantation is a national park, no admission charge.
Follow A1A 3.2 miles past the entrance to Little Talbot Island state park to a small paved parking area on the right that adjoins the bike path on Big Talbot island state park.
To Kingsley Plantation National park, follow A1A south to the park entrance on the right, Fort George rd. Follow Ft George rd. (stay to the right at the split) to the park entrance and parking area.
Contact - Dave Wholey
904 322 4004
Parking Info - Park parking area on A1A.
Kingsley parking in the parking area in the park.
Entrance Info - Meet in park parking lot at 6:15 AM.
Reconvene at 9:30 AM in the parking lot at Kingsley Plantation
The Mayport ferry does not operate until 7:00 AM on Saturdays. Best choice is I295 to Hecksher drive. Follow Hecksher which turns into A1A to Big Talbot Island.
Lunch is planned for 11:30 at the Sandollar restaurant, 9716 Heckscher Dr.
The restaurant is a short distance from the park exit.
Schedule of Events
Sunrise is at 7:08 AM, we plan to arrive at 6:15 AM to give enough time to walk the path to the beach area and determine our best shooting positions. We will wrap up beach shooting at 9:00.
We will then proceed to Kingsley Plantation National Park (Fort George Rd.) for additional shooting opportunities on the grounds. The location has many shooting opportunities for both structures and landscapes. The plantation house is the oldest surviving plantation house in Florida. We will shoot on site until 11:30 and proceed to lunch.
Lens choices for the sunrise will range from wide angle through mid range telephoto zooms for landscapes. There should also be birding opportunities so longer telephotos can be used. Tripods and nuetral density graduated filters will be necessary for best results.
The shooting opportunities at Kingsley cover archetectural, landscape and wildlife. Wide angle through long telephoto are appropriate. Tripods, while not necessary, would be useful in shaded areas. Polarizers, depending on the weather can be used.
Other Tips
The path to the beach is generally level but rolling in spots with exposed tree roots. Since we will be on the path in low or little light, flashlights are recommended.
The Kingsley is open and level and firm footing.
Include driving directions from Jacksonville in this area.