Entries will be accepted from Sept. 12, 2020 to midnight, Oct. 18, 2020
Results Presentation is scheduled for November 18, 2020
The categories for 2020 will be in three groups; General, themes related to Nature and themes related to People. This allows us to have more definition and clarity in the groupings for the Annual Competition.
Judge for the contest is Ginger Sheridan and her JU students.
Also note that in a vote by the Board of Directors the age restriction on submitted digital images has been removed. You may now enter up to 4 images. The limit of 2 images in any one category is still in effect.
The rule that images not receiving awards may only be submitted to three JCC competitions remains in effect. (This does not include the People’s Choice contest)
Themes for the third competition will be:
General Photography
Nature Related: Botanical
People Related: Event
See the website for additional explanation of the themes.
Entries will be accepted from Sept. 12, 2020 to midnight, October 18, 2020.
Results Presentation scheduled for Nov. 18, 2020