Jacksonville Camera Club Board Meeting Minutes – November 13, 2019, SOTW

Board Members in Attendance
Brian Leonard – President
Gail Means – Secretary
Don Dymer – Membership Retention Chair
Kathy Jaworski – Webmaster
Jon Montigny – Digital Chair
Anita Fanic – Outings Chair
Charisse Tanner – Director
Caroline Peppiatt – Print Chair

Brian Leonard called the board meeting to order at 6:35 p.m..

Brian Leonard made a motion to accept September and May 2019 board minutes. Seconded by Charisse Tanner. Passed

Treasurer’s Report – was discussed by way of the information being sent thru email to the board member’s from Jim Jordan.

Discussion of the results from the Nominating Committee and that a Vice President was being sought by the committee in order to get one of the members of the club to accept the position.

Christmas Party – Anita Fanic is handling this year. List of names to be given to Anita and Brian. Need volunteers to help set up and clean up. December 14th is the date. It was budgeted $300.00 for supplies and that there were supplies left over from last year that can be used. The location of the party will be at The Party Place in Orange Park at 2156 Park Ave., Orange Park. There will be baskets of cheer like last year and it will be BYOB with the club supplying cokes, tea and coffee and supplies by the club. (Charisse volunteered to be responsible for coffee, etc.)

Banquet Update – to get volunteers to help in the different areas i.e. name tags, wraps for the print images. As the time gets closer will either have meeting or conference call to make final arrangements and coordinate with volunteers on various jobs for the Banquet.

Incorporation and Insurance Policy for Jacksonville Camera Club – This is to protect the camera club and it’s board of directors from being sued due accidental injuries. Discussion on what the steps and how it is to be handled by Caroline Peppiatt and Don Dymer. One of the options is to use Legal Zoom for the documentation to be filed with the State of Florida.

Motion – Caroline Peppiatt – to bring to the Board a detailed proposal using Legal Zoom to Incorporate and to get Insurance for the Board.

Seconded by Kathy Jaworski

It was agreed upon that I would send the minutes by way of email to get approval for the minutes of this board meeting.

Brian Leonard thank the members of the board for all they have done in the past for the club.

Motion to close meeting by Brian at 7:55 p.m. it was seconded and the meeting was adjourned.

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