Motion for the Digital Competition – via email from Brian Leonard – to the Board Members

This information is from the email that Brian Leonard sent out on March 2, 2018 after the Board Meeting on February 24, 2018.

Email dated March 7, 2018 – “This motion has passed 11-0 with one person not voting. I will communicate this to the club tonight. I put something on the website on Friday night and I put it under Clicks Weekly instead of the weekly update, so I will post it again after this weeks meeting. Sincerely, Brian Leonard”

Email dated March 2, 2018 – “Below is the motion for the change to the annual digital competition. Please read and respond by REPLY ALL and choose one of three responses. Vote YES, if you agree, NO, if you disagree; and AMEND if you propose to amend the motion. If you choose to amend the motion, I will second it and return to everyone for a vote. If no amendment, I will publish the results to everyone. Email or call me (904)838-7048 if you have any questions.”
Below is the content of the email:
Follow-up to the Board Meeting on February 24, 2018.
I submit the following Motion:
I propose that we change the annual awards for the annual digital competition to mirror the print competition. We will have three categories (A), (B), and (C). The same method will determine the number of ribbons awarded. Each category will receive a 1st thru 4th place ribbon and the number of honor ribbons awarded will be determined by the number of entries in each category. This is the same method used for all quarterly competitions and the annual print competition. This change will be effective immediately. All the winners in category (A), category (B), and category (C) for Q1 through Q4, will be entered in the annual digital competition and presented at the banquet in January of the following year:

As an example, Q1 digital themes are:
(A) – General
(B) – Faces
(C) – Water Reflections

The winners in Category (A) Theme General will compete in Category (A) for the annual competition, winners in Category (B) Faces will compete in Category (B) for the annual competitions and all the winners in Water Reflections will compete in Category (C) for the annual competition.

There will be no change in the method for the quarterly competitions, upload instructions, categories, themes, or awards. This change only effects the ribbons awarded and the creation of categories for the annual digital competition.
Sincerely, Brian Leonard

The emails that this information is from emails from Brian Leonard to the Board dated March 2, 2018 and March 7, 2018

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