Meeting was opened by Brian Leonard at 7:00 p.m.
Outings – Brian Leonard – Dudley Farms outing May 19, 2018. Arrive 7:30 a.m. to get access to some of the buildings before the public arrives , lunch at 11:45 a.m. bring a sandwich, dessert and drink provided. If you have not registered please do so as a count will be needed for lunch.
Digital Submissions – Brian Leonard – Qtr 3 submissions start June 1, 2018 – There are some interesting topics for the 3rd quarter digital competition. Don’t forget that it opens on June 1.
Bill McSherry – Programs – Would like the membership to be thinking for programs/ideas for the remaining year, as there are a couple spots still open and then also for next upcoming year.
Print Submissions – John Neel – Had nothing to add as this was the last night to submit 2nd quarter prints that the results will be done on June 20, 2018.
F3C – Julius Dean – Presented to Bronywn Horvath a blue and ryellow ribbon for entering into F3C. Also, F3C announcement about doing presentation with F3C for this around the state of Florida. Check out the website or Julius if interested let him know about you doing a presentation with F3C.
Also, Julius is selling Nikon D5 camera.
People’s Choice – Tina Jordan – The People’s Choice for June is Tree/Trees and that will be on June 6, 2018. The theme for July is to be taken b a Cell Phone and it can be any subject but must be printed on 8×10 paper.
New Members and Visitors – Jennifer Thompson – Jennifer was not able to attend and there were no new members or visitors and the secretary helped out in Jennifer’s absent. Also, Brian reminded the members to make sure that they have signed in t so a point can be given for attending the meeting.
Brags – Brian Leonard – No one had any brags at this time.
Raffle – Anita Fanic – $36.00 – $18.00 to club and the winner will receive $18.00 and the winner is Don Dymer.
Brian also invited members to join several other members to Chili’s after the meeting.
Tonight’s Meeting Program – Zoo Outing – John Reed – John critiqued the images from the Zoo Outing that the members that attended this outing sent in and John gave info on not only taking the image but also on ways to edit the image to bring out what the photographer was trying to attain.
Next Meeting Program – Qtr 2 Digital Results – June 6, 2018 –
Meeting was adjourned by Brian Leonard at 8:48 p.m..