Minutes of JCC Meeting – May 2, 2018 – SOTW

Brian Leonard – President called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Outings – Jan Vallely – Dudley Farms outing May 19, 2018 – There are 6 people that have signed up for Dudley Farm outing on May 19 and the park is going to let us enter at 7:30 a.m. instead of 9:00 a.m.. Will poll to see if you want to be there at 7:30 a.m..

Educational Program – John Neel – May 4th Workshop and May 5th Zoo Outing – The first part of this outing will be on Friday, May 4th at 7:00 p.m. to cover how the best way to take images at the Zoo. John Reed will have some information on taking of these at this meeting. Then on Saturday, May 5th, John Reed will be able to get us in at 8:00 a.m., so please be at the Zoo no later than 7:45 a.m..

Print Submissions – John Neel – Beginning of submitting prints at 2nd meeting of May to turn in prints. John Neel will have labels printed and will help if you need one for the members images.

Board Meeting Updates – Brian Leonard –
*Annual F3C – JCC has been offered to host the competition in January 2019. This is still a work in progress on how it is to be run.

*1st qtr.entries into digital & prints competition – only allow one image per competition per quarter. Ex.: If you submitted an image in the digital competition and won an honor award and then at the same time entered that image in the print competition and won 1st place the image would be disqualified based on the rules of JCC that once an image has won an award that it can not win another award unless it is the annual competition.

*Bruce Hagstrom is working on hanging JCC’s members images in the Orange Park Library — there are still a few issues that need to be straighten out but will be kept up to date on this issue.

Annual Christmas Party – Looking to find someone to host the 2018 Christmas Party. Bronwyn is not able to host it again this year. So if anyone wants to host the party let any of the board know. Also, it has been talked about if the club needs to rent a venue would the members be ok with pay a fee. The members that were present where in agreement to pay if no one is able to host it at their home.

F3C – Julius Dean – Print competition is open with a $5.00 fee for postage and the prints can be picked up at the next meeting also, May 16th. Also, will be hosting (not judging) on January the annual competition.

New Members/Visitors – Jennifer Thompson – Jeff Garbow joined JCC and he said that he learned of the club thru John Reed when he took a class at UNF.

Brags – Brian Leonard – Brian commented that he had gotten two paid for senior pictures.

Glennie – did not get any ribbons for Glennie even though JCC had submitted enteries. They are posted check out the website.

Raffle 50/50 – Anita Fanic – Don Dymer won 50/50

People’s Choice – Tina Jordan – May’s theme – Body Parts
1st – Gail Means – The Eyes Have It
Lloyd Granat -Bad Hair Day
2nd – John Neel – Legs, Arms, and Smiles
3rd – Anita Fanic – Statue in the Fountain
Phil Cope – A Sexy Display of Classic Body Parts
June’s theme is Tree/Trees and then July has been changed to Cell Phone images.

Tonight’s Meeting Program – Olustee and Savannah Outings
John Neel and Brian Leonard demostrated how they took their images and then how they post edited them in Camera Raw, PS and Lightroom. Would like feedback on the way these images were demonstrated.

May 16th, 2018 Meeting Program – Zoo outing – John Reed – John will be taking images that have been submitted by members that was at the Zoo outing and taking the before images and after images and giving directions and improvements on both taking the image and editing the image.

Brian Leonard adjourned the meeting at 8:44 p.m..

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